Highlights of Previous Years
09/11/2014 - A very important day for the group of writers I participate, ACPCC. It was the first time the launching of its anthology took place in another city! ACPCC was invited by poet Rita Padoin to celebrate this moment in Urussanga (SC). Even though I was not able to be there I share their joy because there are three of my texts in the anthology! It's a great honour this invitation and I'm very thankful .
Reading Club:
Writers in a more relaxed moment!
First Meeting of the
2 0 1 3
Photo: Elsa Balbão Pithan
Visiting a School:
América Dutra Machado (São José, SC)
Highlights of 2014...
A new doll in the city =
Teófilo Brás!
28/12/2014 - What a fantastic way to end up the "artistic year" of 2014: finishing up a new doll, Teófilo Brás, o Torcedor Brasileiro Mais Azarado do Mundo is ready and much alive! The whole project became a great challenge to me as I wanted it to be ready before the end of this year... and here it is!
I used many different techniques in the making of this special doll such as needlework, knitting, crochet work... and I "borrowed" a pair of socks my mother had knitted for me too!
May this doll inspire TB's adventures in 2015 and 2016!!!
Thank you, Mum, for being my source of inspiration, always.
Season's Greetings... TB is come to town!
8th ACPCC Anthology
09/11/2014 - A very important day for the group of writers I participate, ACPCC. It was the first time the launching of its anthology took place in another city! ACPCC was invited by poet Rita Padoin to celebrate this moment in Urussanga (SC). Even though I was not able to be there I share their joy because there are three of my texts in the anthology! It's a great honour this invitation and I'm very thankful .
Second Meeting
[Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC]
06/11/2014 - It turned out to be a very special meeting... I ended up by celebrating the 10th anniversary of my first book: Terapia Ocupacional, Contos!!! As such, the chosen short story was Story 51 - A Fada Madrinha which we commented right after.
My mother (Elsa Balbão Pithan) and I cheerfully celebrating the 10th anniversary of my book Terapia Ocupacional, Contos...
Poet Susana Zilli was the lucky one to get a prize: a drawing of the Pelican.
Debate at SEPEX [ UFSC ] on:
Old Age and Society Today
At the University Campus before the Debate but ready to start!
31/10/2014 - Such an amazing experience to participate of the SEPEX (a Week of Studies and Research Forums at the University) together with fellow writer Clarmi Regis as guests of NETI (a department dedicated to the elderly students). We both had the opportunity to talk about our respective work, especially those related to the highlighted topic, to such an encouraging and happy audience who asked us lots of great questions. Marilda Efting was responsible for the fascinanting event.
Talking about my character Mega Vó - an old age heroine!
The target audience.
A New Page on the Blog!
Old Age and Society Today
At the University Campus before the Debate but ready to start!
31/10/2014 - Such an amazing experience to participate of the SEPEX (a Week of Studies and Research Forums at the University) together with fellow writer Clarmi Regis as guests of NETI (a department dedicated to the elderly students). We both had the opportunity to talk about our respective work, especially those related to the highlighted topic, to such an encouraging and happy audience who asked us lots of great questions. Marilda Efting was responsible for the fascinanting event.
Talking about my character Mega Vó - an old age heroine!
The target audience.
A New Page on the Blog!
30/10/2014 - A new and exciting page is in the air!!! It's on Pelicanaesther's Blog: Ana Esther entrevista... So far it's in Portuguese only, pity isn't it? Well, Ana Esther goes as wild as becoming an interviewer and promises to interview writers in the craziest way so as to go down in hers and her interviewees' history, LOL...
You can't miss it, so just check it out and spread the good news!
6o Seminário de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil
6th Children's Literature Forum
[Florianópolis, SC]
16/10/2014 - How glad to be invited for the second time to be part of this board of writers at the Children's Literature Fórum organized by Dr. Eliane Debus Ph.D.!!! There was a story dramatization before the board members joined with local story tellers who gave a funny start to the night's works.
The board members then gathered together and each writer had some time to talk the the audience, most of them students and teachers of language&literature. The main topic for discussion was the current situation of writers of literature for young readers in Santa Catarina and also in Brazil as a whole. It felt so good to be amongst so many fellow writers!
16/10/2014 - How glad to be invited for the second time to be part of this board of writers at the Children's Literature Fórum organized by Dr. Eliane Debus Ph.D.!!! There was a story dramatization before the board members joined with local story tellers who gave a funny start to the night's works.
The board members then gathered together and each writer had some time to talk the the audience, most of them students and teachers of language&literature. The main topic for discussion was the current situation of writers of literature for young readers in Santa Catarina and also in Brazil as a whole. It felt so good to be amongst so many fellow writers!
The story tellers...
First Meeting of the
Reading Club
[Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC]
09/10/2014 - It took years and years for the Reading Club become reality... and now here we are having such great fun with its first meeting ever!!! My mother and I took turns explaining the dinamics of our activities: we would first read a short story or article for further comment by the participants. So, I read a story by the late local author Jair Francisco Hamms, Viagem a Lugares Comuns, as the very first work for discussion. After the reading, everybody got excited to discuss the text and its all-creative language full of funny expressions and sayings. People just loved the idea of this kind of Reading Club and were already looking forward to the next meeting. There was a coffe-break when poet Milka Plaza read a poem from her book Ao Som do Mar which she gave to my mother as a presente. A perfect start for the expected club, may it have a long life!
10/05/2014: My friend and fellow writer Cristina Klein took my books along with hers to the Book Fair for sale... [as I wasn't able to be there myself] This is what I call belief in a "promised land" for everybody. Thanks ever so much, dear friend! May Success be with you always, eh, eh, eh!
Magic moment: the actual reading of the story...
12/09/2014 - After having brooded the idea for some years we finally got to work on the creation of a Reading Club that my mother, the talented Elsa Balbão Pithan, had in mind!So, we finally joined in our first meeting with our friend Eliana Rossarola Chukst to discuss the details and aims of the future club. Cris Klein joined us on "tele-conference" as well for extra suggestions. Kick-off done...
The idea for the Reading Club is taking shape!
Opening Cerimony:
Academia Brasileira de
Contadores de História
Contadores de História
[ Brazilian Academy of Story Tellers ]
02/06/2014 - It was such a great honour to have been there to sign the Inauguration Book of the newly founded Academy of Story Tellers idealized by Claudete da Matta! The cerimony took place at the local Public Libray and happened to be an astounding event for Santa Catarina's (and Brazil's) cultural history. Thanks for the invitation!!!
My books at Florianópolis Book Fair
10/05/2014: My friend and fellow writer Cristina Klein took my books along with hers to the Book Fair for sale... [as I wasn't able to be there myself] This is what I call belief in a "promised land" for everybody. Thanks ever so much, dear friend! May Success be with you always, eh, eh, eh!
Here they are at the Book Fair...
My friends showing off my books together with Cris' own books! Thank you everyone!
Visiting a local nursery...
Visiting a local nursery...
Ângela holding the Cremilda books... and with many plans on her mind!!
April 16th - I went for a visit to a local nursery Joaquina Maria Peres (Florianópolis, SC) and gladly donated some books of Little Doll Cremilda. The Supervisor Nilton and Ângela have welcomed me and are already planning some activities with the books... and I'm very glad and looking forward to returning to the nursery and chat with the children about the adventures of Cremilda!!!
I'm ever so thrilled with the wonderful news of my very first E-book... It's out and available for on-line sales through Livraria Saraiva digital books' catalogue. It's a well known bookshop in Brazil and now readers from all over the world can purchase it!
It's a bilingual (Portuguese/English) e-book:
Brilhos no Abismo / Abyssal Glimmers
I just love this new story, its main character is just... just...
Well, it's weirdly-lovely!
Check it out, this is the link to the page where you can by it almost for love!
This is its cover and that's how you'll see it on Livraria Saraiva's site.
Ice Cream & Books
(Balneário Atlântico, RS)
January 16th = I'm very glad to have organized this unique literary meeting at Cristina's Ice Cream Place in Balneário Atlântico (a small beach in Rio Grande do Sul State). A group of enthousiastic book lovers gathered to talk about their reading tastes whilst tasting Cristina's ice cream. It turned out to be a delicious afternoon! A surprise guest also made all the difference, the poet Joaquim Moncks and his friend Nina have showed up and talked about their careers as poets. For me it was an extra emotion: I had a poem of mine published in praise of Joaquim Moncks (Joaquim Moncks & Amigos) but we had never met before, we knew each other only via e-mail! So, now was a sensational way to celebrate our meeting. He gave me a special treat by Reading out my poem Temor to the audience -just awesome! And then everybody spoke about the books they were reading, their likes and dislikes... In the end I gave to our hostess Cristina a copy of the JM&Friends anthology as a way of saying thanks for having us there!
Cristina, the hostess, happy with her copy of the anthology... and glad to meet the poet Joaquim Moncks!
2 0 1 3
Chatting with local writers in
Santo Antônio de Lisboa (Florianópolis)
On Dec 14th I joined an enthousiastic group of writers for a chat at the oldest street in Florianópolis, Rua das Alfaias by Santo Antônio de Lisboa beach. We were all invited by journalist and historian Rosane Bond in a joint venture with Óptica Brasil shop. Each writer had the chance to talk about their writing career, show off their books and to top it all they could share a most touching Christmas story with the audience. I told my As 12 Badaladas da Meia-noite de Natal which had been published in the Letras Santiaguenses literary paper.
Rosana Bond and I. I donated one copy of my most recent novel LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS to the community library run by Rosane, manager of Óptica Brasil shop.
I was introduced to the musician Alisson Mota and we swap our works. His book Canções do Folclore da Ilha de Santa Catarina is an important record of old Azorian songs brought to Florianópolis with the immigrants.
Great to meet writer Rafael whom I met at another writers' meeting in Alfredo Wagner (SC) in 2011.
Socializing with fellow writers Wesley Collyer, Vicente Gabriele Pascale and Eliane Veras da Veiga.
First Book Fair
at Shopping Ideal
-São José, SC-
If you zoom in on the photo you can actually read the Fair's activites including my autograph session on 13/12/2013!
- Forum on Academic Publishing at
UFSM (University of Santa Maria, RS) -
Article on Diário Catarinense newspaper (06/12/2013) showing the list of participants. Clicking on the photo you might be able to see my name there...
Meeting a former Drawing teacher of mine, Mr Diego de los Campos!!!
Letras no Jardim & ACIC (VI)
18/11/2013: Fourth meeting at ACIC (Associação Catarinense para a Inclusão do Cego = an Association for the Visually Impaired): today's main theme was Modernism. I read my poem Humanidade, Tu Abdicarias da Tecnologia Vigente? to the group and Milka Plaza led on the meeting with many activities! Teacher Sulísia, the teacher in charge, also joined in!
Children having fun with the stories of Little Doll Cremilda!
Mara and the stories of her own...
Book Launching of:
Lendo nas Entrelinhas
6/11/2013, Café Cultura, Florianópolis,
from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm!
A pleasure meeting writer Estevão.
A meeting with local artists for a
Square Table*
*27/09/2013 - My second visit to the library and students of Colégio Santa Catarina! This time to the morning groups. It was great fun and not only Little Doll Cremilda but also Profa. Coruja Buraqueira went along to chat with the students who just loved meeting them! Once again librarian Guilherme Wandscheer the teachers in charge of the groups welcomed me with enthousiasm. So wonderful to see the children's happiness with the visit of an author and talking about books and stories!!!
A Book&Reading Fórum
*19 and 20/09/2013 - I attended the Fórum Catarinense do Livro e Leitura [a Forum on politics regarding Books and Reading] at Centro Integrado de Cultura (Florianópolis, SC). Several speakers commented on their suggestions and ideas concerning the new Law on Books and Reading in the State of Santa Catarina. I had the chance to cite ACPCC, Letras no Jardim, the UFSC's site on children and young readers' literature and the Clube de Leitura Prof. Coruja-buraqueira and comment on their role to support and encourage reading for readers of all ages!
Little Doll Cremilda goes to Portugal!
* It's just awsome... my books O Susto da Cremilda/Scaring Cremilda, Cremilda Ecológica/Cremilda Goes Ecological, A Cidade dos Polvos and O Carvalhinho Solitário/Family Tree are going to Portugal!!! Yes, along with other books by Brazilian authors, an interchange project of Penélope Martins [Projeto Mar de Palavras]. What a marvellous way to get Brazil and Portugal even closer... through children's literature!!!
City Centre Fair
14/09/2013 - I spent a delightful morning at the stall of Casa do Escritor with at Rua Victor Meirelles in the very centre of Florianópolis. It's all about a municipality's project to bring back "action" to the city centre. Patrícia and Lenir, are selling in their stall books by local authors (including my books!), a great iniciative to help the public get to know more about local writers. Hard work which needs perseverance and dedication. Their stall will be there on Saturdays: 28/Set, 05/Out, 26/Out, 23/Nov, 07/Dez, 14/Dez e 21/Dez. Check it out!!!!
Helpful Patrícia and...
(Florianópolis, SC)
Being a Board Member!!!
Together with our mascot Profa. Coruja-buraqueira!!!
Poets Paulo Berri, Milka Plaza and I with the group of adult students.
I had the pleasure to read them my poem:
Querida Ilha!
To this group I read my poems:
Espírito no Mundo Atual and Pedido de um Peão.
Lendo nas Entrelinhas & APAE
Chatting with local writers in
Santo Antônio de Lisboa (Florianópolis)
On Dec 14th I joined an enthousiastic group of writers for a chat at the oldest street in Florianópolis, Rua das Alfaias by Santo Antônio de Lisboa beach. We were all invited by journalist and historian Rosane Bond in a joint venture with Óptica Brasil shop. Each writer had the chance to talk about their writing career, show off their books and to top it all they could share a most touching Christmas story with the audience. I told my As 12 Badaladas da Meia-noite de Natal which had been published in the Letras Santiaguenses literary paper.
Rosana Bond and I. I donated one copy of my most recent novel LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS to the community library run by Rosane, manager of Óptica Brasil shop.
I was introduced to the musician Alisson Mota and we swap our works. His book Canções do Folclore da Ilha de Santa Catarina is an important record of old Azorian songs brought to Florianópolis with the immigrants.
Great to meet writer Rafael whom I met at another writers' meeting in Alfredo Wagner (SC) in 2011.
Socializing with fellow writers Wesley Collyer, Vicente Gabriele Pascale and Eliane Veras da Veiga.
First Book Fair
at Shopping Ideal
-São José, SC-
If you zoom in on the photo you can actually read the Fair's activites including my autograph session on 13/12/2013!
13/12/2013: I spent a delightful afternoon talking to the visiting public, autographing my books, especially my most recent one Lendo nas Entrelinhas at the first Book Fair sponsored by Shopping Ideal. The Fair is very well organized by journalist and writer Hiamir Polli together with the editing house Editora Papa Livros. The Book Fair will last until February 16th, 2014 and my books will be there for sale too!
My happiness among fellow writers and visiting public!
ACIC & Letras no Jardim...
It's party time!
It's party time!
11/12/2013: Milka Plaza, Paulo Berri, Sandra and I joined in the End of the Year festivities at ACIC (an association for the visually impaired) as a closing activity of Letras no Jardim's Creative Writing Project. com chave de ouro! It was just fantastic to see our pupils dancing and singing on stage under the supervision of teacher Sulísia. As to us... well we showed off our poems! I read my acrostic Humanidade, Tu Abdicarias da Tecnologia Vigente? to an eager audience.
Sing along moment...
...and then farewell time!
- Forum on Academic Publishing at
UFSM (University of Santa Maria, RS) -
09/12/2013: I was ever so proud to be invited to participate in this EDITASUL promoted by Professor Cláudia Bomfá (teacher of the Communications Course at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (RS). The cerimony to celebrate the launching of their magazines, especially O QI, has touched me deeply as I saw how beautiful the article about my career as a writer looked in a printed publication! The magazine offers good articles on cultural issues and issuch a good reading indeed.
Throughout the Forum I had the chance of meeting the other participants Professor Briquet de Lemos, Professor Salete Mafalda Oliveira Marchi and writer Auri Antônio Sudati... who also shared with the audience their experience about the editorial market in Brazil. It was a great honour to me to be among such distinguised people!
07/12/2013: What a privilege to have been selected to participate in this first artistic event promoted by a local cultural institution, Fundação Cultural BADESC, together with other 26 artists, musicians and writers! We spent a joyful day -from 11 am to 5 pm- chatting with the visitors, showing off our works and of course selling! The event turned out to be a great opportunity to meet artists from all over the State of Santa Catarina, a priceless interchange. Congratulations to the organizers!
Throughout the Forum I had the chance of meeting the other participants Professor Briquet de Lemos, Professor Salete Mafalda Oliveira Marchi and writer Auri Antônio Sudati... who also shared with the audience their experience about the editorial market in Brazil. It was a great honour to me to be among such distinguised people!
The openning board: Vice-coordinator Flavi Lisboa Filho, o Pro-rector and Coordinator Cláudia Bomfá.
Here I am among the other board members and fellow speakers Auri Antônio Sudati, Antônio Agenor Briquet de Lemos, Salete Mafalda Oliveira Marchi and Cláudia Bomfá!
Having fun among visiting speakers, teachers and students of the University.
This quality Magazine has brouth me much encouragement to keep on with my writing career!!! Thanks to all the people who made it happen.
And an extra delight: after an on-line friendship of about 6 years I finally met the Editor of the literary newspaper Letras Santiaguenses, Mr Auri Antônio Sudati! I've got several of my short writings published in this paper. That was definitely a great moment for both of us.
Dear Mr. Auri Antônio Sudati... we finally met!
Fundação Cultural BADESC
(Florianópolis, SC)
Fundação Cultural BADESC
(Florianópolis, SC)

With fellow writers Cláudia Iara Vetter, Cláudio Dutra and Fernando Scheibe.
Meeting a former Drawing teacher of mine, Mr Diego de los Campos!!!
Chit-chatting with the reading public...
NovemberLetras no Jardim & ACIC (VI)
18/11/2013: Fourth meeting at ACIC (Associação Catarinense para a Inclusão do Cego = an Association for the Visually Impaired): today's main theme was Modernism. I read my poem Humanidade, Tu Abdicarias da Tecnologia Vigente? to the group and Milka Plaza led on the meeting with many activities! Teacher Sulísia, the teacher in charge, also joined in!
Fredi playing Happy Birthday to Tábata...
Hard work!
Milka Plaza reading one of Paulo Berri's poems.
A Promise is a Promise!
On 11/11/2013 I went to APAE (an association for the disabled) -Florianópolis, SC- in order to pay, as it had been previously agreed, the 50% of the total amount of the sales during the Book Launch of LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS on 06/11/2013 at Café Cultura. I gave it in cash directly to Mr. André Francisco Stramari, General Manager of APAE in Florianópolis. We took an official photo to celebrate the deal and I was given a receipt for the donation.
They were altogether 45 books sold for R$20,00 each copy, making a total of R$900,00 and therefore the donation boiled down to: R$450,00 !!!
Mission accomplished!
May the money be well used! I'm very happy and I give many thanks to all those who were there for the book launch and have thus contributed with APAE as well.
Ana Esther
...and the R$450,00 to APAE with Mr. André Francisco Stramari.
Books by Praça XV
(Florianópolis, SC)
08/11/2013: My visit to my friends who run the Project Books by Praça XV ended up in a huge surprise! The stall of Casa do Escritor & Oficina Literária Letras no Jardim has sponsored a very funny afternoon with story telling for school children at Praça XV in the very heart of Florianópolis and I had the chance of dramatizing the stories of Little Doll Cremilda! Also, I felt like a best-selling author having my books for sale at their stall. (Florianópolis, SC)
Carmen, Mara, Lenir and I welcoming visiting poet Naete Santos from Casa do Poeta of Santos (SP) who's bumped into the stall!
Milka Plaza and her many wonderful projects!
Children having fun with the stories of Little Doll Cremilda!
Mara and the stories of her own...
Milka and her gifted talents!
Book Launching of:
Lendo nas Entrelinhas
6/11/2013, Café Cultura, Florianópolis,
from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm!
The ever so-awaited book launching party (of my most recent novel LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS) took place at cosy Café Cultura, a perfect scenario for the unusual event. Such a crazy and delicious way to welcome the guests who were all curiosity to finally see the book with their own eyes. So many touching moments throughtout the event made it all very remarkable and unforgettable:
*My humorous discourse followed by the declamation of my poem Uma Ilha Cheia de Bruxas, inspired in the book.
*Poet Augusto de Abreu (President of ACPCC = an association of poets and writers of Santa Catarina State) delighted the public with some of his joyful poems!
*In order to thank my friend Kátia Rebello, librarian and fellow writer, who did the library cataloging for me as a present... I gave her one copy of my book as a present too!
*Another moment of thanksgiving... this time to our host and Café owner Mr. Casemiro, who welcomed us with kindness and let the party flow in a light atmosphere. He promised the book he received as my present would be read by all staff!
*Miss Lorenza Tramontina , an University student has joined in the event as a research assignment for her course... WOW, my book launching party as an object of study!!! She remained there all the time observing people's behaviour and taking down notes of everything for further analysis. That definitely gave the event a fabulous touch!
*Lottery time! Some books (6a Antologia da ACPCC, Joaquim Moncks e Amigos, Delasnieve Daspet e Amigos) were handed out to the public in a funny lottery.
*Even I got a present from Lourival Francisco organizer of a Book Lovers group Leitores em Florianópolis, the rare book Velhice by local writer Salim Miguel. Lucky me!
*And to top it all... the party ended up in an enthousiastic Literary Coffee meeting... when the participants talked about the books they were reading, their reading experiences, likes and dislikes and so on and on and on! And then I took my turn to reveal some details about the "Making of" my book LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS... sensational!!!
My very special thanks to dearest friend Luciane Parracho for replacing Mr. André Francisco Stramari, General Manager of APAE, who was not able to attend the event. She worked as the cashier and sold the books with great competence and honesty!
An event to go down in History...At least in mine, eh, eh, eh!!! Thanks to all those who attended it with great tenderness for me and my mother, Elsa Balbão Pithan, who was there supporting me and making the event all the more beautiful with her 91 years of pure wisdom.
My Mum: my #1 Supporter and inspiration!
Our warm regards to the staff... you've made everything even more splendid!
Visiting SENAI (II)
01/11/2013: Second meeting at SENAI for another literary chat! This time the target audience was quite different! I was introduced to writer and teacher Estevão de Mello and one student Henrique was given my book A Viagem, o Concurso e o Vacilo as a special prize for being one of the most regular user of the lybrary books. We were even challenged to do some physical activity with teacher Henrique among the library books! Great to be again with librarians Luciang Effting Takiuchi, Andressa Tessa and Lais Oselame Nóbrega.
Some presents for me!A pleasure meeting writer Estevão.
Henrique, the Lucky one who won my book, eh, eh!
A meeting with local artists for a
Square Table*
30/10/2013 - Ia Mostra = Na Távola Quadrada (*the Square Table as a pun on The Knights of the Round Table!!!): Oficina Literária Boca de Leão (a Literature Group) run by Claudete da Mata offered free to the public at Biblioteca Pública do Estado de Santa Catarina its first meeting with local artists for a chat about their careers. And there I was among the other distinguished guests: Andréa Dias, Antonieta Mercês, Elena Lamego, Glória Palermo, Luiza Abnara and Paulo Berri. Their aim was to let the public have a closer contact with local artists. I felt very happy to be there. Congratulations Claudete da Mata for the great job you're doing to promote local talents.
21/10//2013 - Third meeting of Letras no Jardim with the group of students at ACIC (Associação Catarinense para a Inclusão do Cego = an Association for the Visually Impaired). Great fun and creativity. Poets Milka Plaza, Paulo Berri and I took the opportunity to read out loud our poems to a group of adults at the Auditorium before starting our work with our group of teenagers. Today's theme was the Mini-max, very short-stories... lots of inspiration! To our surprise and delight we had time to celebrate Poet's Day (20/10) eating the cake that teacher Sulísia herself had baked!!!
The (imaginary) Square Table... and I among the other artists...
...and some members of the audience.
Now... I even received a Certificate (below) and a gorgeous sculpture of a cute owl made by talented Claudete da Mata herself!
29/10/2013 - I was invited for a Chat with students at SENAI's Library as part of their week celebrations. The students were very eager to share their opinions on books and readings, they also asked me tons of questions about my writing and works. I'm sssssooooo proud that the Library has purchased copies of my 9 books and will soon be lending them to the students!!!
Chat among the books,
photographic record of the meeting,
...and my books will stay at SENAI's Library happily ever after!!!!
Letras no Jardim & ACIC (III)
...and working hard, it's writing time!
My Latest Book at the
Public Library of Santa Catarina!
16/10/2013 - What an honour to me to donate my latest book LENDO NAS ENTRELINHAS to our historic public library (Biblioteca Pública de Santa Catarina). Librarian Evandro Jair Duarte got thrilled too as he is always enthousiastic about the book donations to the Library's asset. Come to the Library and check it out... and why not, get the book as it's already available to readers!
BPSC - Evandro, happy holding the books. And me too, as readers will be able to get my books from the library for free!!!
School Visit (II): Colégio Santa Catarina
With Little Doll Cremilda...
...and with Profa. Coruja-buraqueira!
Little Doll Cremilda visits ACIC
*23/09/2013 - Second meeting of Letras no Jardim with teacher Sulisia's group of students at Associação Catarinense para a Integração do Cego.(Association for the Visually Impaired). The group, already fond os us, welcomed us with double enthousiasm. This time the theme for text production was Romanticism and poets Milka Plaza, Paulo Berri, Sandra Sousa and I read our poems to them. Also, Little Doll Cremilda turned out to be the "muse" of inspiration for text production... so many emotions for a little dooll and its author!!!
The group getting ready to start working...
Having fun with Little Doll Cremilda...
...who became the inspiration for their writing.
How cute!
A Book&Reading Fórum
A short speach on ideas to encourage reading.
Little Doll Cremilda goes to Portugal!
My warm greetings to Portuguese readers!!!
City Centre Fair
Casa do Escritor's stall and Cruz e Sousa Museum on the back!
Helpful Patrícia and...
...Lenir, always crazy about Casa do Escritor!
School Visit (I): Colégio Santa Catarina(Florianópolis, SC)
13/09/2013 - Librarian Guilherme Wandscheer of Colégio Santa Catarina's Madre Inês Library has invited me for an informal chat with the afternoon students. The main subject was, of course, Little Doll Cremilda, books and film but there was some time to talk about my other books as well. Goodness, how curious and enthousiastic the students were, they asked me thousands of questions and also told their own stories... Isabela (group 2-B) gave me a drawing she did right then and there of Little Doll Cremilda! Ah, and I read them my poem Boneca Cremilda composed especially for this visit. One of the students, Gabriel, told us that he had already read my book A Cidade dos Polvos because his mother had given him... Was I glad???!!! Many thanks to the students, teachers Cláudia, Márcia, Patrícia and Ingrid and librarian Guilherme!!!
At Library Madre Inês with the students... and Little Doll Cremilda Cremilda.
Hurray, Little Doll Cremilda!
It seems even teacher Márcia fell in love with Little Doll Cremilda!!!
The lovely drawing of Little Doll Cremilda by Isabela!
AugustBeing a Board Member!!!
21/08/2013 - What a beautiful book launching cerimony at UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina) to disclose the winners and hand out the wonderful book which was the resulted of the Short Story Contest to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of NETI [an Old Age Studies Department of the University]... To me it was such a great honour to be part of the Judging Board together with Doctors Eliane Debus, Inês Mafra and Isabel Luclktenberg!!! In her Preface organizer Marilda Effting has praised our work with impressive words, very touching! Another remarkable moment was when we handed out the Certificates and the books alotted to the 30 winners. The book is a delicious reading. Thanks NETI for this unique opportunity of becoming part of your History!
18/08/2013 - First meeting of Profa. Coruja-buraqueira Reading Club! A group of booklovers from 10 to 91... each one of us talked about our likes and dislikes in terms of reading tastes. Also, we described the books we're currently reading and we chose to adopt Profa. Coruja-buraqueira as our mascot! We're already looking forward to the next meeting!
Showing off the books we commented...
Isabel, Inês, Eliane and I before the cerimony start...
...and now happy holding our own copy! Illustrator Sérgio Stähelin joined us for the historic photo.
Good job.
A Reading Club
Together with our mascot Profa. Coruja-buraqueira!!!
First Meeting at ACIC
05/08/2013 - Poet Milka Plaza, President of Oficina de Literatura Letras no Jardim has invited me to visit the blind pupils of teacher Sulísia at Associação Catarinense para a Integração do Cego (ACIC = na Association for the Visually Impaired). The maind objective is to offer the teen students creative writing lessons. They wrote in Braille in theirr typing machines and turned out to be very creative, we had great fun trying out our poetic vein based on the sensations arised by a perfume brought by Milka for this specific purpose. Poet Paulo Berri, Milka Plaza and I read them some of our põem and they felt happy to have met us. We also had the chance to read our põem to a group of blind adults at the Auditorium, they enjoyed it very much. What a unique experience to me, many thanks to Milka and teacher Sulísia!
*Click on the link below to access Milka's article on her Blog about our visit. = http://letrasnojardim.blogspot.com.br/
I had the pleasure to read them my poem:
Querida Ilha!
To this group I read my poems:
Espírito no Mundo Atual and Pedido de um Peão.
The group of teenagers, teacher Sulísia, poet Paulo Berri and i enjoying the visit!
A New Character is born...
Teófilo Brás
Another character! Carried away with the good vibs brought by the atmosphere of the coming of the Confederations Cup, the visit of Pope Francisco, the World Cup, the Olympic Games... ALL in Brazil... I could only come up with Teófilo Brás, o Torcedor Brasileiro mais Azarado do Mundo [=TB, the unluckiest Brazilian Supporter]!!! He's a problematic character, someone of whom we feel we'd rather laugh about than weep about even though his problems are rather tragic than comic... Ah, but he comes in very good company, his friends Zequinha and Juju make all the difference. His stories will soon be available in a special Page on this Blog!
Lendo nas Entrelinhas & APAE
*I'm so glad: 50 copies of my most recent novel Lendo nas Entrelinhas (170 pages)are for sale at the main office and at the Library of APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais = an association for the disabled). Each book will be sold for R$20,00... and 50% of the total amount sold will be donated to APAE!!!
Pop in there to buy your copy! You'll be helping APAE and also having the joy of reading my book! The address is:
Rod. Admar Gonzaga, 2937
Bairro Itacorubi
Florianópolis, SC
It took me a long time to finish it but it's finally 'hatched'!!! Now you have the doll version of my cartoon character. My lovely and cute character Professor Coruja-buraqueira (= Professor Owl) has its own page on my Blog in Portuguese to tell stories of her friends... all sorts of animals! It's ECOLITERACY, so I hope. It's a pity her stories are in Potuguese language only... at least for the moment, who knows!
Photo: Elsa Balbão Pithan
Apr 18th = celebrating the Children's National Day in Brazil an on-line edition of a book on Children & Teens Book Authors in the State of Santa Catarina was launched. Professors Eliane Debus, Simone Cintra and Maria Laura P. Spengler from UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina) did a thorough survey about authors and their works and the result is a great on-line book available for the public as a trustworthy research tool. And guess what... I am there!!! So, access the web page and go to ESCRITORES than look for either my name Ana Esther or my surname Pithan and you'll find lots about my work.
*The page is in Portuguese but it's always worth checking out to see their great job.
Mar 27th, 2013 = a big poetic event was thrown to celebrate the anniversary of ACPCC (the poets and writers association in which I participate). It took place at Cruz e Sousa Museum (Florianópolis, SC) and many friends and fans were there to cheer us up. My colleagues and even the guests had their go reciting poems, dramatizing stories... I took the chance to read 2 of my own poems. A night to promote literature!!!
Feb 20th, 2013 = Passing by Arroio do Sal, RS (a beach in the very South of Brazil) I couldn't help dropping by the local public library [ Biblioteca Dr Clovis Webber Rodrigues ] and donate them some of my books. It's great to know that readers there will be reading my stories!!!
Feb 19th, 2013 = Time out... for a school visit! February in Brazil means the middle os Summer time but also the beginning of the school year in most States. I spent some time at the beach and paid a visit at the local school, Escola Santos Salvador de Mello in Balneário Atlântico (Arroio do Sal, RS) so as to donate some of my books to their library. I was welcomed with great kindness by the Principal and teachers...
Jan/Feb = It all started by the end of January 2013 and went through the beginning of March... the very first HOME-DELIVERY PELICAN EXHIBITION!!! This state-of-the-art form of art display has taken place in a cosy little beach on the south of Brazil, Balneário Atlântico (State of Rio Grande do Sul). So as to 'deliver' artistic beauty 'to the public where the public is' (at home) I decided to show my drawings of the Pelican in its latest adventure: the Zodiacan -with Pelihints for 2013 for each sign of the Zodiac... Fans of the Pelican were just thrilled!
=> Have a look at some of the enthusiastic Pelifans!!!
Visiting a School:
América Dutra Machado (São José, SC)
October 8th, 2012 - Augusto de Abreu (President of the Writer's Association ACPCC) and I spent a wonderful morning at América Dutra Machado school talking about our career as writers, our writings, our books and our characters... We were welcomed with great warmth by the cheerful students, the Principal, staff members and teachers who chatted with us and asked lots of questions about our writing. We ended up by being interviewed at their School Radio Station!!!
Springtime Poetry Afternoon
-Vinícius Basso's Cultural Centre-
Jurerê Beach, Florianópolis (Santa Catarina State, Brazil)
September 22nd, 2012: My friends from the Writers Association (ACPCC) and I were happy to be part of this first cultural event at Vinícius Basso's Cultural Centre. Lots of poetry and some autographs in a garden full of Vinícius Basso's amazing sculptures... good opportunity to show my books and my writing in general!
Photo by Lilian Manara - Reading some of my poems...
...and fans!
End of the party...
I've participated of an Anthology with a very short poem and drawing and now the book is out! There are 70 writers sharing the happiness of being together in this anthology in praise of Brazilian poet Delasnieve Daspet.
My poem is on page 19...
A Literary Prize...
It was on September 1st, 2012, in Nova Trento (Santa Catarina State, Brazil) that the Academy of Letters of Nova Trento Literary Award Cerimony took place and many prizes were given out to the happy winners of their First Literary Contest. I wasn't able to be there for the beautiful cerimony but poet Susana Zilli has received the cute statuette on my behalf, thanks a lot! Thanks to the Academy!!!
Honours Distinction statuette for my short story and Susana Zilli's for her poem!
AugustRex Laymate
I'm so very proud to present my newest character (under my cute pseudonym Téy) Rex Laymate, PhD in Obviology. He knows all... All the answers to the problems humanity may face. And what's more he's giving his worthy speeches on my Blog, for free!! He's got his own page here.
So, don't even think of missing his priceless pieces of advice!
Now, meet Rex Laymate, the one and olnly!
Honours... Poetry!
On August 4th, 2012 I had the greatest of joys for being at the Award Cerimony in Palhoça, SC, Brazil... My poem Espírito no Mundo Atual (something like: Spirit in Present Times) was awarded 2nd place in this first on-line literary contest promoted by the Academia de Letras de Palhoça (Academy of Letters of Palhoça). I was granted a Certificate as well as a beautiful medal.
The Certificate...
...the Medal for 2nd place!
Among Eros (3rd place) and Júlia (1st place).
Unforgettable Visit to
Pró-Brejaru (Palhoça, SC - Brazil)
On July 5th I spent a wonderful day visiting the children who are warmly looked after by the staff and teachers of Pró-Brejaru -a social service entity which cares for children in need after school hours. The teachers have done such a great job with their children, they had story-telling time, drawing and drama activities on my book Cremilda Goes Ecological beforehand... and then I was invited to join them for a Chat with the Author day!
It was very rewarding to me to see how happy the children were to meet me as the author of the book they had been working with. They asked heaps of questions about Little Doll Cremilda (who was there 'in doll'!) and the animals of the Magic Forest. There was even a play based on the book, just sensational!!!
My thanks to all teachers and children who wecolmed me so cheerfully, it's great to see how a book can also bring such joy to the little readers!!!
Ist Meeting of Arts & Literature
of Itapoá (SC, Brazil)
I spent a wonderful day in Itapoá and enjoyed very much this event which gathered writers, artists, teachers and the general public from many cities and States of Brazil for a day of debates and cultural performances. To me it was particularly rewarding to show and sell my books to such enthusiastic people!
Setting up my stall...
...showing off our books!
An enthusiastic teacher and fan!
Honours... Short Story!
I'm very happy and proud to post here the results of the First Short Story Contest of the Academy of Letters of Nova Trento (SC, Brazil) because one of my short stories [in Potuguese] was granted an 'Honours Distinction'. Below is an extract from the Mgazine Passatempoesia, page 13 (Year1, N 3, June 2012):
Art Exhibition
Celebrating the Natural Environment
The students of the workshop of drawing offered by Victor Meirelles Museum (Florianópolis, SC Brazil) and taught by the artist Carlos Asp participated with their production of the Exhibition at the Rita Maria Art Gallery Room. It is a great way to celebrate our life in this planet. I'm very happy to have my drawings there!
Book Fair of Florianópolis - May 10th - I spent a lovely afternoon among other writers at the Book Fair for an Autograph Day. We, authors, had the chance to chat with our reading public, show our books, exchange ideas about reading likes and deslikes, sell some books and make new friends! Such moments contribute so much to the flourishment of Culture itself. That's what hapiness and enthusiasm for life are made of...
Unforgettable Visit to
Pró-Brejaru (Palhoça, SC - Brazil)
On July 5th I spent a wonderful day visiting the children who are warmly looked after by the staff and teachers of Pró-Brejaru -a social service entity which cares for children in need after school hours. The teachers have done such a great job with their children, they had story-telling time, drawing and drama activities on my book Cremilda Goes Ecological beforehand... and then I was invited to join them for a Chat with the Author day!
It was very rewarding to me to see how happy the children were to meet me as the author of the book they had been working with. They asked heaps of questions about Little Doll Cremilda (who was there 'in doll'!) and the animals of the Magic Forest. There was even a play based on the book, just sensational!!!
My thanks to all teachers and children who wecolmed me so cheerfully, it's great to see how a book can also bring such joy to the little readers!!!
Ist Meeting of Arts & Literature
of Itapoá (SC, Brazil)
I spent a wonderful day in Itapoá and enjoyed very much this event which gathered writers, artists, teachers and the general public from many cities and States of Brazil for a day of debates and cultural performances. To me it was particularly rewarding to show and sell my books to such enthusiastic people!
Setting up my stall...
...showing off our books!
An enthusiastic teacher and fan!
Honours... Short Story!
I'm very happy and proud to post here the results of the First Short Story Contest of the Academy of Letters of Nova Trento (SC, Brazil) because one of my short stories [in Potuguese] was granted an 'Honours Distinction'. Below is an extract from the Mgazine Passatempoesia, page 13 (Year1, N 3, June 2012):
Art Exhibition
Celebrating the Natural Environment
The students of the workshop of drawing offered by Victor Meirelles Museum (Florianópolis, SC Brazil) and taught by the artist Carlos Asp participated with their production of the Exhibition at the Rita Maria Art Gallery Room. It is a great way to celebrate our life in this planet. I'm very happy to have my drawings there!
Book Fair of Florianópolis - May 10th - I spent a lovely afternoon among other writers at the Book Fair for an Autograph Day. We, authors, had the chance to chat with our reading public, show our books, exchange ideas about reading likes and deslikes, sell some books and make new friends! Such moments contribute so much to the flourishment of Culture itself. That's what hapiness and enthusiasm for life are made of...
First Drawing Exhibition at
Itacorubi II Residential Place
Itacorubi II Residential Place
On May 27th, 2012 neighbours have joined to show off their talents and exhibit/sell their art&crafts items. I participated with one of my drawings specially done for the event [see Art Gallery]. There were also many stalls sponsored by enthusiastic neighbours. Among these was my own stall with my books... and, of course, Little Doll Cremilda and Janjão Espinhento came along!!! I sold some books, signed autographs...
A Book Launching
to be remembered!
On April 18th my bilingual book Family Tree / O Carvalhinho Solitário was launched together with three other books by enthousiastic authors who shared that wonderful moment with me. Even the local Secretary for Education was present and praised us writers for the achievement! The launching was part of the closing cerimony of the 3rd Children Books' City Week. I was invited to give a short speech about my book in which I took the chance to show the audience the original drawings... yes, this is my first actual illustration work for my books!!!
The function took place at a beautiful historical building of Florianópolis, Fort Saint Barbara. Lots of people (reading public!) as well as friends gathered there and queued for the authors' autographs... fantastic!
Photo by: Sérgio Aspar
=> Ana Esther (in salmon!), the other writers and local authorities. Click to see the full photo.
And it's great to be cheered up by the reading public!!!
I'm very glad to reveal the name of the winner of the
First Short Story Contest on
Ana Esther's Booksie Page (2011):
Lanny J. Luttrell
(Bedford, Indiana - USA)
Congratulations to you and thank you very much for your participation and beautiful text. Your prize and certificate have been mailed to you already!
Until we all meet again for the Second version of this contest in 2012!!!
Ana Esther
This was the original invitation to the Contest:
Test your literary talent! Join this Contest…
First Short Story Contest on Ana Esther’s Booksie Page (2011)
All readers are invited to join in this Short Story Contest! Just follow the rules bellow:
1. Read the short story WHAT NOW? by Ana Esther on her Booksie page = www.booksie.com/Ana_Esther
2- Write down your own end to the story and place it on the Comment space right after the story.
3- IMPORTANT: If you’re not from Booksie you need to add your e-mail for contact in case you’re the lucky winner!
4- First place winner will be awarded a certificate and the book Scaring Cremilda by Ana Esther and Second place winner will be awarded a certificate and the book Cremilda Goes Ecological by Ana Esther.
5- The date for posts starts on November 13, 2011 and ends on December 15, 2011.
6- The results will be posted on My News on Ana Esther’s Booksie page www.booksie.com/Ana_Esther and on my Blog http://anaesthersblog.blogspot.com/ on December 20, 2011. The winners will be contacted via Booksie or e-mail and then the book will be posted to them free of charge.
See you there!
Ana Esther
Ana Esther is now on the American site
Author's Den!!!
You can find some more info about my literary works and about my books through:Check it out!
And this is my first short story on Author's Den...
Supernatural Moonfleet by Ana Esther Balbão Pithan
Click the above link and enjoy!!
June 2nd => Book Launching: What a great honour to me to be chosen Writer of the Month by the Young Reader's Section of the Public Library of the State of Santa Catarina, in Florianópolis. It's the result of hard work and much love for what I write and draw. So, throughouth the month of June/2011 a gorgeous panel about my literary work wil be on display for those who visit the Library!!! Sensational! Many thanks for all the Library's staff members who always welcome me with great enthusiasm and kindness.
A Cidade dos Polvos (The City of the Octopi)
Such happiness to see my seventh book being launched at Brazil's third oldest Public Library, in Florianópolis. It was an event full of activities: a delicious Author-meet-student chat; presentation of my Blog... A great oportunity for me to talk about my literary works with the target audience -the young readers! School children and their teachers were invited to this event as part of the celebrations of the Library's 157th anniversary, just amazing, I was thrilled by their happiness and enthusiasm to meet a writer: me!

And... I played Happy Birthday to the Library on my small guitar!
January 7th => Book Launching:
Cadê o Cagu? (Cagu, Where are You?)
I had a wonderful time celebrating the launching of my latest novel in Balneário Atlântico, RS (a tiny beach in the South of Brazil). Lots of friends, neighbours and friends' friends dropped by to check out the event. There was a cultural moment with prose&poetry reading, small guitar playing (myself!) -just sensational. But what made me really happy is that most of the people who bought my book had the chance to read it and come to tell me that they enjoyed the read very much!!! To an author this is supreme bliss.
