My Books
Hi, this is the right place for you to learn more about my published books! Even though most of them are written in Portuguese only you'll also find some that are bilingual (Portuguese&English) and you'll find out what I write about and lots of details about each book.
Thanks for your visit!
Ana Esther
Thanks for your visit!
Ana Esther
1. Terapia Ocupacional, Contos (2004) – book with 53 short stories for adults (anyone can read it!). In Portuguese.

2. A Mochileira Tupiniquim nas Trilhas da Nova Caledônia (2005) – a travel narrative about my trip to the gorgeous French archipelago of New Caledonia. It’s got some photos and my own drawings! In Portuguese.

3. A Viagem, o Concurso e o Vacilo (2005) – a teen story about one school year in the life of three lads, their conflicts and their insights about problem-solving ideas. In Portuguese.

***The Little Doll Cremilda series = (Bilingual: Portuguese/English). Children’s books:
4. O Susto da Cremilda / Scaring Cremilda (2006) – First story of Little Doll Cremilda who lives near the Magic Forest and gets scared to death by one of its inhabitants. With photos by Júlio Felício.

5. Cremilda Ecológica / Cremilda Goes Ecological (2006) – second story of Little Doll Cremilda. This time she’s faced with a disgusting vision… With photos by Ana Esther.

6. Cadê o Cagu? (2010) - a detective novel about the theft of a rare bird which is endemic of New Caledonia, a South Pacific French archipelago. Didi and the famous Detective Apollon Savant unite to solve this strange case involved in mystery. They and their investigation helpers end up revealing a well-organized gang of international criminals. In Portuguese.

7. A Cidade dos Polvos (2011) - this chapter book for children is full of adventure, surprises, mystery... and heaps of hilarious characters! Zequinha and his younger sister Ana decide to investigate the enigmatic legend of the Maralaus Indians till they bump into Polvidade... a fabulous city of octopi! The friendship ties that unite the kids and their family to those intelligent octopi is the very link to disclose the age-old secrets of the Adorable but Fearful and Frightening King Polvatório and his extra-funny court subjects and which will even help defend Polvidade from the disgusting invasion of the hideous Polvus Piratus... In Portuguese.
8- Family Tree / O Carvalhinho Solitário (2011) - a moving story of the last remnant of Oak Island, little Oakwood Jr. The island was almost wiped out of its huge oak tree population by the hideous Timber-Smuggler Pirates. However, someone very special came to the help of little Oakwood Jr... A bilingual children's book, English/Portuguese. Fully illustrated by Ana Esther herself.
9- Lendo nas Entrelinhas (2012) - a suspense novel about the mysterious disappearing of twin brothers on Halloween day. A do-or-die puzzle has to be diciphered... The only person who knows everything cannot say anything to anyone. This novel was first written in English under the title Reading Between the Lines (yet unpublished) and was based on an assignment due for the course Professional Children's Writing the author took (Thomson Education Direct -Australia).
10 - Brilhos no Abismo / Abyssal Glimmers (2013) - a very weird fish has been suffering from never-ending hiccouphs that are causing him to go famished! Behind all this there's a terrible finding... This is the author's very first E-book. A bilingual story (Portuguese / English) available in digital format only (so far...).
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