Little Doll Cremilda
and the Magic Forest
- the Comic Stripes -
Hi, everybody! After watching the 1-minute video, reading the two books... you can now enjoy the very own comic stripes of Little Doll Cremilda!!! In this special page you'll find all the friends that will drop by Cremilda's on their way to the Magic Forest...
If you'll drop by this Blog every now and then you'll find a new stripe and meet all Cremilda's new friends.
Click on the stripes and you'll see them in full size...
See you!
Ana Esther
NB- If you are from 4 to 6 years old you'll have all the more fun!
NB- If you are from 4 to 6 years old you'll have all the more fun!
1- Little Doll Cremilda and the Magic Forest - Ana Esther
In: Cremilda and the Plastic Penguin Decoration
1- C: Gee, what a queer animal you are!
2- PPD: Yeah, I'm a plastic Penguin decoration. My owners threw me away 'cause I've got a chipped foot.
3- C: Poor thing! Go to the Magic Forest. There you'll be well looked after.
PPD: Thanks so much! I was very sad. Now I'm happy. I'll have a new home!