Friday, 10 October 2008

Special Bonus!
Now you have the chance of a lifetime...
to watch a film that will turn the world upside down!!!
Scaring Cremilda
- The Movie -
by Ana Esther and Júlio Felício

Chit-chat Corner
In this cosy corner you get to know about my latest projects and adventures into the world of literature, drawing, and arts in general... So, every now and then come back here to have a look at what I've been up to!



 Poetic Mission for 2015!

02/Jan/2015: Happy New Year everyone! I'm ever so happy with this idea I just had: a Poetic Mission for 2015. Let me explain. It all started with a Season's Greetings phone call my mother (Elsa Balbão Pithan) got from a friend of hers, Sirlei Turcatto who said to her a poem as a New Year's surprise present... So far so good, the thing is that it was my mother's own poem
 [ Mudanças -  ]
 How touching!
So touching that it came to my mind to take it as a kind of mission for the New Year: to read one poem to someone every day of the year 2015! And so as to inspire other people to do similar things (as well as help me not to give up) I'll post a note on my Facebook page along with a "photographic prof"! So, let's have fun with the
 Poetic Mission for 2015!!!



Third Meeting of the
Reading Club

02/Feb/2015: This time the meeting took place at a friend's place instead of at home and the big group was welcomed with much tenderness. As there were a lot of new participants I explained to them the main idea of the club. As an introduction, Eliana Chucste read the poem Desejo by Victor Hugo. Right after I read the story Verano em Cañas by Brazilian writer Sérgio da Costa Ramos [from the book he wrote with Flávio José Cardozo: Duas Violas Arteiras]. Everybody liked the meeting and they all agreed to call it as my mother had suggested:
The Pelican Reading Club, after my cartoon character The Pelican 
Still laughing about the funny story by Sérgio da Costa Ramos...

Highlights of 2014...


A new doll in the city =
Teófilo Brás!

28/12/2014 - What a fantastic way to end up the "artistic year" of 2014: finishing up a new doll, Teófilo Brás, o Torcedor Brasileiro Mais Azarado do Mundo is ready and much alive! The whole project became a great challenge to me as I wanted it to be ready before the end of this year... and here it is!
I used many different techniques in the making of this special doll  such as needlework, knitting, crochet work... and I "borrowed" a pair of socks my mother had knitted for me too!
May this doll inspire TB's adventures in 2015 and 2016!!!
Thank you, Mum, for being my source of inspiration, always.     

Season's Greetings... TB is come to town!


8th ACPCC Anthology

09/11/2014 - A very important day for the group of writers I participate, ACPCC. It was the first time the launching of its anthology took place in another city! ACPCC was invited by poet Rita Padoin to celebrate this moment in Urussanga (SC). Even though I was not able to be there I share their joy because there are three of my texts in the anthology! It's a great honour this invitation and I'm very thankful .


Reading Club:
Second Meeting

[Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC]

06/11/2014 - It turned out to be a very special meeting... I ended up by celebrating the 10th anniversary of my first book: Terapia Ocupacional, Contos!!! As such, the chosen short story was Story 51 - A Fada Madrinha which we commented right after.
My mother (Elsa Balbão Pithan) and I cheerfully celebrating the 10th anniversary of my book Terapia Ocupacional, Contos...

Poet Susana Zilli was the lucky one to get a prize: a drawing of the Pelican.  

Debate at SEPEX [ UFSC ] on:
Old Age and Society Today
At the University Campus before the Debate but ready to start! 

31/10/2014 - Such an amazing experience to participate of the SEPEX (a Week of Studies and Research Forums at the University) together with fellow writer Clarmi Regis as guests of NETI (a department dedicated to the elderly students). We both had the opportunity to talk about our respective work, especially those related to the highlighted topic, to such an encouraging and happy audience who asked us lots of great questions. Marilda Efting was responsible for the fascinanting event.

Talking about my character Mega Vó - an old age heroine!

The target audience.

A New Page on the Blog!
30/10/2014 - A new and exciting page is in the air!!! It's on Pelicanaesther's Blog: Ana Esther entrevista... So far it's in Portuguese only, pity isn't it? Well, Ana Esther goes as wild as becoming an interviewer and promises to interview writers in the craziest way so as to go down in hers and her interviewees' history, LOL...
  You can't miss it, so just check it out and spread the good news!

6o Seminário de Literatura Infantil e Juvenil
6th Children's Literature Forum
[Florianópolis, SC]
16/10/2014 - How glad to be invited for the second time to be part of this board of writers at the Children's Literature Fórum organized by Dr. Eliane Debus Ph.D.!!!  There was a story dramatization before the board members joined with local story tellers who gave a funny start to the night's works.
The board members then gathered together and each writer had some time to talk the the audience, most of them students and teachers of language&literature. The main topic for discussion was the current situation of writers of literature for young readers in Santa Catarina and also in Brazil as a whole. It felt so good to be amongst so many fellow writers!  

The story tellers...

Writers in a more relaxed moment!

First Meeting of the

Reading Club
 [Itacorubi, Florianópolis, SC]
09/10/2014 - It took years and years for the Reading Club become reality... and now here we are having such great fun with its first meeting ever!!! My mother and I took turns explaining the dinamics of our activities: we would first read a short story or article for further comment by the participants. So, I read a story by the late local author Jair Francisco Hamms, Viagem a Lugares Comuns, as the very first work for discussion. After the reading, everybody got excited to discuss the text and its all-creative language full of funny expressions and sayings. People just loved the idea of this kind of Reading Club and were already looking forward to the next meeting. There was a coffe-break when poet Milka Plaza read a poem from her book Ao Som do Mar which she gave to my mother as a presente. A perfect start for the expected club, may it have a long life! 

Magic moment: the actual reading of the story...


 The enthousiastic group of friends who participated in the very first meeting of the Reading Club idealized by Elsa Balbão Pithan...
A moment for poetry! Milka Plaza Reading her own poem.


12/09/2014 -  After having brooded the idea for some years we finally got to work on the creation of a Reading Club that my mother, the talented Elsa Balbão Pithan, had in mind!
So, we finally joined in our first meeting with our friend Eliana Rossarola Chukst to discuss the details and aims of the future club. Cris Klein joined us on "tele-conference" as well for extra suggestions. Kick-off done...

The idea for the Reading Club is taking shape!



Opening Cerimony:

 Academia Brasileira de
Contadores de História
[ Brazilian Academy of Story Tellers ]

02/06/2014 - It was such a great honour to have been there to sign the Inauguration Book of the newly founded Academy of Story Tellers idealized by Claudete da Matta! The cerimony took place at the local Public Libray and happened to be an astounding event for Santa Catarina's (and Brazil's) cultural history. Thanks for the invitation!!!

Signing the Inauguration Book.

Group photo for posterity!

 My books at Florianópolis Book Fair

10/05/2014: My friend and fellow writer Cristina Klein took my books along with hers  to the Book Fair for sale... [as I wasn't able to be there myself] This is what I call belief in a "promised land" for everybody. Thanks ever so much, dear friend! May Success be with you always, eh, eh, eh! 
Here they are at the Book Fair...

My friends showing off my books together with Cris' own books! Thank you everyone!


Visiting a local nursery...
Ângela holding the Cremilda books... and with many plans on her mind!!
 April 16th - I went for a visit to a local nursery Joaquina Maria Peres (Florianópolis, SC) and gladly donated some books of Little Doll Cremilda. The Supervisor Nilton and Ângela have welcomed me and are already planning some activities with the books... and I'm very glad and looking forward to returning to the nursery and chat with the children about the adventures of Cremilda!!!


I'm ever so thrilled with the wonderful news of my very first E-book... It's out and available for on-line sales through Livraria Saraiva digital books' catalogue. It's a well known bookshop in Brazil and now readers from all over the world can purchase it!
It's a bilingual (Portuguese/English) e-book:
Brilhos no Abismo / Abyssal Glimmers
I just love this new story, its main character is just... just...
Well, it's weirdly-lovely!
Check it out, this is the link to the page where you can by it almost for love!

This is its cover and that's how you'll see it on Livraria Saraiva's site.


Ice Cream & Books
(Balneário Atlântico, RS)

January 16th = I'm very glad to have organized this unique literary meeting at Cristina's Ice Cream Place in Balneário Atlântico (a small beach in Rio Grande do Sul State). A group of enthousiastic book lovers gathered to talk about their reading tastes whilst tasting Cristina's ice cream. It turned out to be a delicious afternoon! A surprise guest also made all the difference, the poet Joaquim Moncks and his friend Nina have showed up and talked about their careers as poets. For me it was an extra emotion: I had a poem of mine published in praise of Joaquim Moncks (Joaquim Moncks & Amigos) but we had never met before, we knew each other only via e-mail! So, now was a sensational way to celebrate our meeting. He gave me a special treat by Reading out my poem Temor to the audience -just awesome! And then everybody spoke about the books they were reading, their likes and dislikes... In the end I gave to our hostess Cristina a copy of the JM&Friends anthology as a way of saying thanks for having us there!
 Ice cream & Books
 the group of book lovers

Cristina, the hostess, happy with her copy of the anthology... and glad to meet the poet Joaquim Moncks!